Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Top 5 Hair Moisturizer Ingredients

Today blog is from Naturallycurly "Top 5 Hair Moisturizer Ingredients"
You chose your current hair care products because they work great for your hair type, and reading good reviews about them beforehand didn’t hurt either. One of the things you might have been looking for was something that would add moisture to your otherwise dry locks, especially in the summer! But just what makes a good hair moisturizer, anyway? Is it something you can buy and use alone? You can actually make your own moisturizing hair masks once you figure out just what it is that moisturizes your hair so well! Here are some of the top ingredients that help to moisturize your curls.

1. Glycerin

Glycerin is an ingredient that binds water together. Naturally, this means it’s instrumental in locking in moisture in conjunction with the other ingredients in your products. You can also use glycerin to make soaps (those clear kinds of soap) and lotions. In both soaps and lotions, glycerin helps moisturize your skin. You might also see “vegetable glycerin” listed on a product label instead.

2. Aloe Vera

If you get sunburns easily, you’re probably most familiar with using aloe to soothe your skin. If you’ve ever plucked an aloe leaf, you also know that the stuff you buy in the store smells much better than a fresh aloe plant! Nonetheless, aloe (also known as aloe vera or aloe vera juice) has great moisturizing properties as well. In addition to helping your hair grow, it also helps maintain your hair’s natural sheen and luster by locking in your hair’s natural oils.

3. Avocado Oil

Avocado actually has many benefits for the body. It’s a good fat and is a great addition to a low-carb diet. Additionally, avocado is useful in trying to recover damaged hair. A few drops of avocado added to your favorite shampoo can also turn that shampoo into a very moisturizing concoction. If your scalp is itchy and needs moisturizing, you can also rub a few drops into your scalp for relief.

4. Jojoba Oil

You’ve probably already discovered that washing your hair on a daily basis isn’t a good idea — especially if you’re already dealing with dry hair. The reason for this is that your scalp produces a natural oil called sebum that keeps your scalp and hair moistened. Jojoba oil is very similar to this natural sebum. In fact, even its molecular structure is similar!

5. Shea Butter

You’ll find shea butter, a natural carrier of vitamin A, in almost any hair moisturizer  because it physically holds in moisture. For our coilies, who tend to have thick, dry hair, shea butter is often a godsend.
See you next time
xoxo <3

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Healthy Hair Diet for Hair Growth

Are you worried about your slow hair growth? Does it seem like everyone else’s hair is growing faster than yours? What gives? Have you evaluated your diet?
It would be nice if the solution to the health and growth of our hair was bottled up in some miracle-working product that you could find at your local beauty supply store, but it’s not about what we put on our tresses that counts — it’s about the overall way we take care of ourselves. Did you know that there are many foods that stimulate hair growth by providing your body with vitamins, minerals and many nutrients? Improving your diet will boost the health of your hair, encourage growth and the rest of your body will benefit as well.
Improve Your Diet
The foundation of all new hair growth is the nutrients that we eat. For maximum hair growth and health, step out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Now, let’s be real — if you were born with fine, thin hair, you’ll never have super thick hair no matter what you eat. But a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of growth-promoting protein and iron can make a difference. Eat more beans — they are a great source of biotin, which is known to combat hair loss and promote the growth of healthy hair. Incorporate leafy, green vegetables into your diet. They are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, which work together to produce sebum. By keeping hair conditioned, sebum prevents hair from breaking off so that it can grow longer. Nuts are a natural source of zinc, a mineral that promotes scalp health, which in turn can help hair grow longer faster.
When it comes to healthy hair, what we put IN our bodies is just as important as what we put ON our hair. Many of the nutrients essential to healthy hair are found in fruits and vegetables. But, why worry about if produce is in season or not? Frankly, “fresh” fruits and vegetables aren’t always fresh. By this time that out of season fruit or vegetable has traveled hundreds of miles to your grocer’s shelves, the nutritional value has greatly diminished or disappeared.
Eat Fresh Foods
The advantages of seasonal eating are that you eat foods that are picked when they are ripe or very close to the peak of ripening. They spend less time on their way to the supermarket, so they are at their optimal nutritional value. It is also budget-friendly, because you buy the food without the shipping cost.
1. Asparagus: Asparagus is rich in protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folic acid. It also contains fiber and iron. Asparagus stimulates hair production and is also a good source of silicon for healthy hair. vitamin E also works toward healthy hair and can be found in asparagus.
2. Broccoli: Ounce for ounce, broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. Vitamin C is great for your hair as it aids in circulation to your scalp.
3. Collard Greens: Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, iron, copper, and calcium. Incorporating these greens will give your body the extra boost it needs, and in turn allows you to improve the chances of growing hair.
4. Honeydew: Deficiencies in folic acid can cause hair loss, so it is vital to hair growth that you consume folic acid in your diet. Honeydew melons contain folic acid.
5. Mango: Ripe mangos hold the largest amount of beta carotene. Mangos contain sources of vitamin E, which improves circulation to the scalp by enhancing oxygen uptake.